Frisbee Meet is not just about fun—it’s a celebration of skill, creativity, and friendly competition! Participants can choose 2-3 events from eight unique disciplines, each designed to showcase different aspects of frisbee mastery. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, there’s something for everyone to enjoy and excel in!

Test your power and technique in this thrilling event, where you compete to see who can throw their disc the farthest.

In this challenge, you throw frisbees at targets placed at varying distances to score points.

XDISC Battle
Showcase your best tricks and combos with an XDISC, blending athleticism, imagination, and flair in a battle-style format.

Dodgebee Guts
Two teams take turns throwing a Dodgebee, aiming to score points if the opposing team fails to make a catch.

Self-Caught Flight
Throw and catch your own throw - the farther you go, the higher your score!

Speed Flow
Teams of two pass the frisbee back and forth as many times as possible within one minute.

You run through an obstacle course while throwing a frisbee, combining speed and strategy to cross the finish line first.

Longest Catch
One person throws the frisbee as far as possible, and their partner must successfully catch it to score.
1. Distance Throwing
How far can you throw a frisbee? Test your power and technique in this thrilling event, where participants compete to see who can throw their disc the farthest.
- Objective: Achieve maximum distance with a single throw.
- Skills: Strength, aerodynamics, and precision.
2. Accuracy Challenge
Think you’ve got a steady aim? In this challenge, participants throw frisbees at targets placed at varying distances to score points.
- Objective: Hit as many targets as possible with pinpoint accuracy.
- Skills: Control, focus, and consistency.
3. XDISC Battle
Unleash your creativity and competitive spirit in this thrilling head-to-head event! Participants showcase their best tricks, stunts, and combos with an XDISC, blending athleticism, imagination, and flair in a battle-style format.
- Objective: Outshine your opponent with unique, skillful routines that wow the judges.
- Skills: Coordination, creativity, precision, and showmanship.
4. Mini Disc Golf Challenge
A twist on traditional disc golf, this event uses smaller, more compact courses. Navigate the obstacles and aim for the lowest number of throws to complete the course.
- Objective: Complete the course in as few throws as possible.
- Skills: Strategy, precision, and patience.
5. Self-Caught Flight
Test your timing and athleticism by throwing and catching your own frisbee! The farther you throw and successfully catch it, the higher your score.
- Objective: Achieve maximum time aloft or distance with a self-caught throw.
- Skills: Timing, agility, and throwing technique.
6. Speed Flow
Team up for a fast-paced game where quick throws and catches are key. Teams pass the frisbee back and forth as many times as possible within one minute.
- Objective: Rack up as many successful throws and catches as possible.
- Skills: Speed, teamwork, and reflexes.
7. Discathon
It’s a race like no other! Players run through an obstacle course while throwing a frisbee, combining speed and strategy to cross the finish line first.
- Objective: Complete the course in the fastest time possible
- Skills: Running, strategy, and accuracy.
8. Longest Catch Contest
Pairs of participants compete to complete the longest throw-and-catch. One person throws the frisbee as far as possible, and their partner must successfully catch it to score.
- Objective: Achieve the longest successful throw-and-catch as a team.
- Skills: Teamwork, throwing power, and catching ability.